
2023-09-08 01:03:31 作者:剧终人散尽


How can I match the rotation of a THREE.js camera or object to a transform from a Unity GameObject?

统一使用左手系带ZXY欧拉次序。 THREE.js使用右手系统的XYZ欧拉订单。

Unity uses a left-handed system with a ZXY euler order. THREE.js uses a right-handed system with an XYZ euler order.

需要进行转换 GameObject.transform.rotation (四元),以 Object3D.rotation 什么转换( THREE.Vector3)?

What transformations need to be made to convert GameObject.transform.rotation (Quaternion) to Object3D.rotation (THREE.Vector3)?



We ended up fixing this as follows:

假设你得到 QX QY QZ QW 从团结的四元数,我们应用下面的JavaScript / Three.JS转换:

Assuming you get qx, qy, qz and qw from Unity's quaternion, we apply the conversion below in JavaScript / Three.JS:

// convert Quaternion from Left-handed coordinate system to Right-handed

var q = new THREE.Quaternion( -qx, qy, qz, -qw );

var v = new THREE.Euler();  
v.setFromQuaternion( q );

v.y += Math.PI; // Y is 180 degrees off

v.z *= -1; // flip Z

object.rotation.copy( v );


That worked correctly in all axis rotations and directions.

three.js r.59

three.js r.59