MVC 和 Chart jsnet、Asp、MVC、js

2023-09-09 21:05:34 作者:瞎子撞南墙

I want to show data that comes from databse with chart.js.

In MVC i have a controller that retrieves data from the database and shows them in view with the following code:

@foreach(var items in Model)
在MVC中加载view 点开链接 的方式

How can I show @items.title and @items.cuntr in chart.js? Thanks a lot.


Take a look at this link: It describes all the relevant steps to work with charts in mvc.

Let us say that this is your controller method:

    public ActionResult Index()
      ViewBag.Data = "Value,Value1,Value2,Value3"; //list of strings that you need to show on the chart. as mentioned in the example from c-sharpcorner
      ViewBag.ObjectName = "Test,Test1,Test2,Test3";

You can return the data in a view bag and pass them to the data property oif the chart:

And this is your view:

    Layout = null;  
<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />  
    <script src=""></script>  
        var barChartData =  
                labels: [@Html.Raw(ViewBag.ObjectName)], //the names displayed on the x-axis, see images below
                datasets: [{  
                    label: 'ProductWise Sales Count',  
                    backgroundColor: [  
                    borderWidth: 2,  
                    data: [@ViewBag.Data]  //what you returned back from controller. values displayed on the y-axis, see images below

            window.onload = function () {  
                var ctx1 = document.getElementById("barcanvas").getContext("2d");  
                window.myBar = new Chart(ctx1,  
                        type: 'bar',  
                        data: barChartData,  
                                    display: true,  
                                    text: "ProductWise Sales Count"  
                                responsive: true,  
                                maintainAspectRatio: true  
    <div style="text-align: center">  
        <canvas id="barcanvas"></canvas>  
    <div style="text-align: center">  
        Disclaimer:- This data is for demo it is   
        not real data it wont relate to any company  
