最好的方法保存数据 - preferences,sqlite的,序列化或其他?最好的、或其他、序列化、方法

2023-09-05 07:46:46 作者:仅限对你体贴


I've been investigating alternative methods for saving my game's data between turns, and wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction.


I have approximately 32k of data which must be saved during onPause. I ruled out preferences due to the sheer quantity of data. I spent a few days playing around with SQLite but couldn't get the data to save in less than two seconds (although the time certainly hasn't been wasted).


I've decided that I'll use the database for loading constant data at the beginning of the game. This will certainly make it easier to tweak various parameters and default values in the game. But this still leaves me looking for the ideal method for writing data.

这是需要保存的数据基本上是9出现A类和九个出现B类的我是一个密集的月份到了Android的学习曲线(和Java的细微差别,从C ++背景的)和一直在使用Google像疯了似的。这带来了两种可能性在脑海中 -

The data that needs to be saved is basically nine occurrences of class A and nine occurrences of class B. I'm an intensive month into the learning curve of Android (and the nuances of Java, coming from a C++ background) and have been googling like crazy. This brought two possibilities to mind -


1) Serialization (ObjectOutputStream)


I thought this would be the perfect solution but, having read several other posts regarding the subject, gather that it isn't highly recommended on the Android platform due to speed and memory allocations provoking the garbage collector into a potential rage.


2) DataOutputStream class


My current thought is to add Load and Save functions to both classes and to use DataOutputStream and DataInputStream calls in them to write and read the data respectively.


The data in the classes are primitives (strings and ints mostly) and arrays of primitives, so there's nothing too complicated in there to break down. Would this second solution seem a good, viable one? Or are there other solutions that I am unaware of as yet?



You should use an Async task to save the data, I used this method to fetch highscores at the start a game:

new HighscoreTask().execute(this);


the Async task looks like this:

public class HighscoreTask extends AsyncTask<MainView, Void, Void> {

    protected void onPreExecute() {

    protected void onPostExecute(final Void unused) {
    protected Void doInBackground(MainView... params) {
        return null;

所有的数据库交互中的 HighScoreFactory.syncScores发生()的这可能需要只要需要,因为它发生在后台。在我的情况下,它发送一个HTTP请求到外部服务器,并加载到这些数据库。这是从来没有引起任何问题,并且可以无缝地。

All the database interaction happens in HighScoreFactory.syncScores() this can take as long as it needs because it happens in the background. In my case it sends an HTTP request to an external server and loads these into a database. It's never caused any problems and works seamlessly.