取消$ http请求angularjshttp、angularjs

2023-09-13 05:08:34 作者:酷是我的style

试图取消一个搜索输入框的$ HTTP请求,但似乎事先请求不会被得到中止。我跟着从其他堆栈溢出问题的例子。这里是我的JS code:

Trying to cancel an $http request on a search input box but the prior requests don't seem to be getting aborted. I followed the example from other stack overflow questions. Here is my JS code:

var canceler;
$scope.someFunction = function() {
      canceler = $q.defer();
      $http({method: 'GET', url:  service+url, timeout: canceler.promise}).
          success(function(data, status, headers, config) {  });


<input ng-change="someFunction" />


If I enter two characters into the search box the function is called twice but the initial request still goes through. So both requests end up going through and pending on the response time it is random which response is being used. Did the library change at some point? I had this working awhile ago but now it no longer is working.



i think there might be something wrong with the version of angular js cause they have removed the timeout option for promise and you can now only give timeout in milliseconds but there is a work around for that, check this link http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2624-aborting-an-ajax-request-in-angularjs-using-httpi.htm