
2023-09-14 23:09:57 作者:不怕死只怕你离开

我的问题 - 有一个网页,是对所有人开放。如果非注册用户进来,节省了提交表单有一个登录模式,询问登录。

My problem - there is a web page which is accessible to all. If unregistered user comes in and saves the form on submit there is a login modal which asks for login.


If user is new he will registrate and press submit once again. If user is not new he will login and press submit once again.


If registered user visits the page form name is being validated with async validator:

app.compileProvider.directive('nameAvailable', ['$q', '$http', 'service', function ($q, $http, service) {
        return {
            restrict: 'AE',
            require: 'ngModel',
            link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
                ngModel.$asyncValidators.queryName = function (queryName) {


And if registered user has this form saved with the same name then it will fail if he fills it and then log in.

问题是 - 我怎么可以强制验证该字段用户登录后在

Question is - how can I force validation on that field after user logs in?


One thing which I found is to use ngModelController and call validate(), but where to access it in my controller?



我创建了 plunker 样本如何来验证角方式异步数据。

I have created the plunker with sample how to validate async data in angular way.

下面更新 plunker 与验证按钮。