
2023-09-14 23:08:12 作者:別再為他流淚



  .controller('FrontpageCtrl',函数($范围,$ stateParams,$过滤器,$ SCE,contentService的){    的console.log(打黑FrontpageCtrl ......);    contentService.promise.then(功能(数据){        VAR页= $过滤器('过滤器')(资料,{ID:$ stateParams.pageId})[0];        $ scope.content = $ sce.trustAsHtml(page.content);        //装载由Web服务提供了一个控制器,指令等!        $范围。 ...    });}) 

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我个人最喜欢的: https://github.com/ocombe/ocLazyLoad 。最近你的问题:http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/dynamically-loading-controllers-and-views-with-angularjs-and-requirejs https://www.startersquad.com/blog/angularjs-requirejs/


I have a AngularJS app, that depends on a webservice, I would like to load some more controllers into the app from a remote host, after the app is loaded. I don't know i this is possible?

In my controller, I want to load some more controllers (js files)

.controller('FrontpageCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, $filter, $sce, contentService) {
    console.log("hitting FrontpageCtrl ... ");
        var page = $filter('filter')(data, {id:$stateParams.pageId})[0];
        $scope.content = $sce.trustAsHtml(page.content);

        // Load a controller, directive and other provided by the webservice!
        $scope. ...


Currently angular does not provide a way to load modules dynamically. Hence, any angular built in object (directives, controllers, factories, etc.). This means your controllers (from the web service) should be loaded on bootsrapping angular (probably as a resource on the index page). There are some ways to dynamically load stuff after bootstrapping, here are a few:

My personal favorite: https://github.com/ocombe/ocLazyLoad. Closest to your question: http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/dynamically-loading-controllers-and-views-with-angularjs-and-requirejs https://www.startersquad.com/blog/angularjs-requirejs/

There are many more stuff to be found.. you can obviously google it.