AngularJS limitTo由过去的2条记录过去、AngularJS、limitTo

2023-09-13 04:44:34 作者:深拥我’

能否AngularJS 过滤器的组合订单 ,或 limitTo NG-重复 模仿 _。最后 在UnderscoreJS 解决方案



  $ scope.items = {[排序:1,名称:第一},                【分页:1,名称:'二'},                【分页:3,名称:'三'},                {排序:4,名称:最后一个}]; 


 < D​​IV NG重复=项中的项目| limitTo:-2> 


 < D​​IV NG重复=项中的项目|排序依据:'排序':真| limitTo:2> 

Can a combination of AngularJS filter, order, or limitTo for ng-repeat mimic the _.last in UnderscoreJS?


If I'm understanding your question correctly I think this fiddle would do it.

For this data:

$scope.items = [{sort: 1, name: 'First'}, 
                {sort: 2, name: 'Second'}, 
                {sort: 3, name: 'Third'}, 
                {sort: 4, name:'Last'}];

If you don't want to actually sort the array and just take the last two items of the array as is (like underscore's last) you can try a negative limit (this would show Third, Last):

<div ng-repeat="item in items | limitTo:-2">

Also note you can chain the filters together like this example sorting the data in reverse and taking 2 items (this would show Last, Third):

<div ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'sort':true | limitTo:2">