
2023-09-13 02:36:18 作者:切、伱全家都到碗裏去


I want my AngularJS app to make a http request to retrieve user information from the server or redirect to login screen. I implemented this in a run block of my app's main module. But how do I test the code in a run block? Or should I move this initialization code in a controller to make it testable? I'm writing my tests with Karma and Jasmine.

任何帮助将是AP preciated!

Any help would be appreciated!



You can get the reference to the run block via the _runBlocks property of the module.

与您的模块$ C $文件C:

The file with your module code:

angular.module('xmpl', []).
  run(function() {
    // some code here


var myModule = angular.module('xmpl'),
    runBlock = myModule._runBlocks[0];
// Now can test the runBlock function according to your scenario