
2023-09-14 00:07:46 作者:你的小可爱呀

我有一个simple Android的活动,提供一个单一的依赖。我的依赖注入到活动的的onCreate 是这样的:

I have a simple Android activity with a single dependency. I inject the dependency into the activity's onCreate like this:

    .helloModule(new HelloModule(this))

在我的 ActivityUnitTestCase 我要重写用的Mockito模拟的依赖。我想我需要使用测试专用模块,提供了模拟,但我无法弄清楚如何将此模块添加到对象图。

In my ActivityUnitTestCase I want to override the dependency with a Mockito mock. I assume I need to use a test-specific module which provides the mock, but I can't figure out how to add this module to the object graph.


In Dagger 1.x this is apparently done with something like this:

public void setUp() {
  ObjectGraph.create(new TestModule()).inject(this);


What's the Dagger 2.0 equivalent of the above?


You can see my project and its unit test here on GitHub.



Probably this is more a workaround that proper support for test module overriding, but it allows to override production modules with test one. The code snippets below shows simple case when you have just one component and one module, but this should work for any scenario. It requires a lot of boilerplate and code repetition so be aware of this. I'm sure there'll be a better way to achieve this in the future.

我还创建了一个项目实例居preSSO和Robolectric 。这个答案是基于包含在项目code。

I've also created a project with examples for Espresso and Robolectric. This answer is based on code contained in the project.


The solution requires two things:

@Component 提供额外的二传手 在测试组件必须延长生产部件 provide additional setter for @Component test component must extend the production component


Assume we've simple Application like below:

public class App extends Application {

    private AppComponent mAppComponent;

    public void onCreate() {
        mAppComponent = DaggerApp_AppComponent.create();

    public AppComponent component() {
        return mAppComponent;

    @Component(modules = StringHolderModule.class)
    public interface AppComponent {

        void inject(MainActivity activity);

    public static class StringHolderModule {

        StringHolder provideString() {
            return new StringHolder("Release string");


We've to add additional method to App class. This allows us to replace the production component.

 * Visible only for testing purposes.
// @VisibleForTesting
public void setTestComponent(AppComponent appComponent) {
    mAppComponent = appComponent;

正如你可以看到的StringHolder 对象包含发行字符串值。该对象被注入到 MainActivity

As you can see the StringHolder object contains "Release string" value. This object is injected to the MainActivity.

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    StringHolder mStringHolder;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ((App) getApplication()).component().inject(this);

在我们的测试中,我们要提供的StringHolder 与测试字符串。我们已经设定在应用测试组件之前类 MainActivity 创建 - 因为的StringHolder 注入了的onCreate 回调。

In our tests we want to provide StringHolder with "Test string". We've to set the test component in App class before the MainActivity is created - because StringHolder is injected in the onCreate callback.

在匕首V2.0.0组件可以扩展其他接口。我们可以利用这个来创建我们的 TestAppComponent 其中扩展 AppComponent

In Dagger v2.0.0 components can extend other interfaces. We can leverage this to create our TestAppComponent which extends AppComponent.

@Component(modules = TestStringHolderModule.class)
interface TestAppComponent extends AppComponent {


现在,我们能够定义我们的测试模块如 TestStringHolderModule 。最后一步是使用previously增加setter方法​​在应用类设置测试组件。这是重要的活动是创建之前做到这一点。

Now we're able to define our test modules e.g. TestStringHolderModule. The last step is to set the test component using previously added setter method in App class. It's important to do this before the activity is created.

((App) application).setTestComponent(mTestAppComponent);


有关长者preSSO我创建自定义的 ActivityTestRule 允许活动创建之前交换的组件。你可以找到$ C $下 DaggerActivityTestRule here.

For Espresso I've created custom ActivityTestRule which allows to swap the component before the activity is created. You can find code for DaggerActivityTestRule here.


Sample test with Espresso:

public class MainActivityEspressoTest {

    public static final String TEST_STRING = "Test string";

    private TestAppComponent mTestAppComponent;

    public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mActivityRule =
            new DaggerActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, new OnBeforeActivityLaunchedListener<MainActivity>() {
                public void beforeActivityLaunched(@NonNull Application application, @NonNull MainActivity activity) {
                    mTestAppComponent = DaggerMainActivityEspressoTest_TestAppComponent.create();
                    ((App) application).setTestComponent(mTestAppComponent);

    @Component(modules = TestStringHolderModule.class)
    interface TestAppComponent extends AppComponent {


    static class TestStringHolderModule {

        StringHolder provideString() {
            return new StringHolder(TEST_STRING);

    public void checkSomething() {
        // given

        // when

        // then


这是一个与Robolectric感谢 RuntimeEnvironment.application

It's much easier with Robolectric thanks to the RuntimeEnvironment.application.


Sample test with Robolectric:

@Config(emulateSdk = 21, reportSdk = 21, constants = BuildConfig.class)
public class MainActivityRobolectricTest {

    public static final String TEST_STRING = "Test string";

    public void setTestComponent() {
        AppComponent appComponent = DaggerMainActivityRobolectricTest_TestAppComponent.create();
        ((App) RuntimeEnvironment.application).setTestComponent(appComponent);

    @Component(modules = TestStringHolderModule.class)
    interface TestAppComponent extends AppComponent {


    static class TestStringHolderModule {

        StringHolder provideString() {
            return new StringHolder(TEST_STRING);

    public void checkSomething() {
        // given
        MainActivity mainActivity = Robolectric.setupActivity(MainActivity.class);

        // when

        // then