
2023-09-13 23:43:38 作者:淡墨清荷〃明媚了谁的泪


I am using Sun's keytool to create a Bouncy castle keystore and import a certificate into it. The keytool does produce a keystore in the Bouncy castle format.

然后我尝试导入充气城堡密钥存储到一个Android程序。我能得到一个 例如在BKS密钥库,但在密钥库调用加载抛出

I then attempt to import the Bouncy castle keystore into an Android program. I am able to get an instance of the "BKS" keystore but calling load on the keystore throws

" Wrong version of key store".


KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("BKS");
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/mnt/sdcard/ArcGIS/mystore.bks");
keyStore.load(is, "abcdef".toCharArray());



谢谢, 兰吉特


这似乎试图打开密钥库时BouncyCastle的版本附带的Andr​​oid 4.0.3(API版本15)失败使用最新BouncyCastle的文库产生。版本错误键:当我使用 bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar ,我的样本Android应用程序失败,产生创建密钥库店内错误。

It seems the version of BouncyCastle shipped with Android 4.0.3 (API version 15) fails when trying to open keystores produced using the most recent BouncyCastle library. When I created a keystore using bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar, my sample Android app failed with the Wrong version of key store error.

但是,如果密钥库是与 bcprov-jdk16-146.jar 库创建的,那么它可能是由应用程序加载。我的解决方案是创建与此旧库密钥库。

However, if the keystore was created with the bcprov-jdk16-146.jar library, then it could be loaded by the application. My solution was to create the keystore with this older library.


Presumably this will also be the case for older API versions; try older versions of BouncyCastle when creating the keystore.