
2023-09-13 23:42:16 作者:吃可爱长大的

有关于通过Android SDK,所有这些都回答简短发言,这样的功能是不支持的Andr​​oid中获取双卡双待功能的几个问题。

There are several questions about accessing dual SIM features through the Android SDK, all of which are answered with brief statements that such features are unsupported in Android.

尽管如此,双卡手机确实存在,而且像的 MultiSim的似乎能够检测这种在某种制造商无关的方式

In spite of this, dual SIM phones do exist, and applications like MultiSim seem to be able to detect this in some kind of manufacturer-independent way.


So, beginning with that acknowledgement, let me try to ask some more pointed questions:

在是否Android SDK中不支持多SIM卡功能意味着这些功能不存在,或者说,它仅仅是一个坏主意,尝试使用它们? 有一个Android内容供应商或内部封装( ......),它提供的SIM卡信息? (TelephonyManager,据我可以在文档和code看,有没有提到的多个SIM卡) 有没有生产厂家暴露多个SIM卡的功能,开发人员的任何报告? 如果我是找无证功能,从制造商,我将如何去的?


(By the way, the point of all of this is merely to implement this algorithm: send an SMS with SIM card 1; if delivery fails, switch to SIM card 2 and resend the message that way.)



there are 3 different categories ...

支持和记录功能 提供功能未记录 在功能无法使用


So the dual sim features are available but not documented and hence not officially supported.


Having said that it doesn't mean that it will not be usable , It just means that android(or for that matter google or even manufaturer) is not liable to support your apps functionality.


But it might just work , for eg the contacts is a similar thing.


You might then ask up how would everyone know about the features if in case its not documented.. Hey android is open source .. go look into code and find it for yourself . Thats what I guess the multi sim developers did.