
2023-09-11 07:34:08 作者:微笑要带着眼泪才耐看づ






 如果([gameInfoObject.GameTime的isEqual:@金融时报] ||([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@:]!=位置NSNotFound)){//检查,看看它的FT或字符串包含:然后隐藏liveB

        cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;
        CGRect帧= cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
        frame.origin.x = 27; //移动标签10pts到左边,因为没有图像将是present
        cell.gameTimeLabel.frame =帧;

我觉得从这个帖子的解决方案Changing自定义的UIButton的自定义UITableViewCell 但问题的立场是,它改变了所有单元。正如你所看到的我只需要它改变了几个细胞。请帮我我该怎么做即时通讯的想法...

C 中如何用colorDialog改变label的字体颜色

修改1整个$ C $下 的cellForRowAtIndexPath

   - (定义UITableViewCell *)的tableView:(UITableView的*)的tableView的cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    静态的NSString *标识符= @细胞;
    GamesInfoTableViewCell *电池=(GamesInfoTableViewCell *)的tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:标识]。


    的GameInfo * gameInfoObject;

    gameInfoObject = [gamesInfoArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]。

    cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;

    cell.backgroundColor = TABLECOLOR;

    cell.homeTeamLabel.textColor = TEXT;
    cell.awayTeamLabel.textColor = TEXT;
    cell.gameTimeLabel.textColor = TEXT;

    cell.homeTeamLabel.text = gameInfoObject.HomeTeam;
    cell.awayTeamLabel.text = gameInfoObject.AwayTeam;
    cell.homeTeamScoreLabel.text = gameInfoObject.HomeScore;
    cell.awayTeamScoreLabel.text = gameInfoObject.AwayScore;
    cell.liveButton.image = [UIImage的imageNamed:@1675447.png]; //将绿色形象

    如果([gameInfoObject.GameTime的isEqual:@金融时报] ||([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@:]!=位置NSNotFound)){//检查,看看它的FT或字符串包含:再隐藏liveB

        cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;

        CGRect帧= cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
        frame.origin.x = 27; //移动标签10pts到左边,因为没有图像将是present
        cell.gameTimeLabel.frame =帧;


        cell.liveButton.hidden = NO;

    如果(([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@:]!=位置NSNotFound)){
        cell.accessoryType = FALSE;
        cell.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
        cell.homeTeamScoreLabel.hidden = YES;
        cell.awayTeamScoreLabel.hidden = YES;

    cell.gameTimeLabel.text = gameInfoObject.GameTime;




 如果(indexpath.row == 2){
    cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;
    CGRect帧= cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
    frame.origin.x = 27; //移动标签10pts到左边,因为没有图像将是present
    cell.gameTimeLabel.frame =框架;}



重置在layoutSubviews布局 [self.view setNeedsLayout]; 视图加载后开始重新加载的UITableView实例的数据。

Ok so i have been trying to fix a problem that i got for a couple of days now without success. Today i found a solution but not a FULL solution to my problem.

So this is the problem.

It starts like this, please note the alignment of the time labels(the ones to the left)

But after the table reloads for the second time OR when i switch tabs back and forth it THEN changes to what i want it to look like from the beginning. Like this.

This is the code that does this inside cellForRowAtIndexPath:

    if ([gameInfoObject.GameTime  isEqual: @"FT"] || ([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@":"].location != NSNotFound)) {   // CHeck to see if its FT or string contains ":" then hide liveB

        cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;
        CGRect frame = cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
        frame.origin.x= 27;                         // move the label 10pts to the left since no image will be present
        cell.gameTimeLabel.frame= frame;

I found a solution from this post Changing the position of custom UIButton in custom UITableViewCell but the problem is that it changes FOR ALL THE CELLS. As you can see i only need it to change for a few cells. Please help me what can i do im out of ideas...

EDIT 1 the whole code for cellForRowAtIndexPath

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

    static NSString *identifier = @"Cell";
    GamesInfoTableViewCell *cell = (GamesInfoTableViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identifier];

    // Configure the cell...

    GameInfo *gameInfoObject;

    gameInfoObject =[gamesInfoArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

    cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;

    cell.backgroundColor = TABLECOLOR;

    cell.homeTeamLabel.textColor = TEXT;
    cell.awayTeamLabel.textColor = TEXT;
    cell.gameTimeLabel.textColor = TEXT;

    cell.homeTeamLabel.text = gameInfoObject.HomeTeam;
    cell.awayTeamLabel.text = gameInfoObject.AwayTeam;
    cell.homeTeamScoreLabel.text = gameInfoObject.HomeScore;
    cell.awayTeamScoreLabel.text = gameInfoObject.AwayScore;
    cell.liveButton.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"1675447.png"]; //Load the green image

    if ([gameInfoObject.GameTime  isEqual: @"FT"] || ([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@":"].location != NSNotFound)) {   // CHeck to see if its FT or string contains ":" then hide liveB

        cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;

        CGRect frame = cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
        frame.origin.x= 27;                         // move the label 10pts to the left since no image will be present
        cell.gameTimeLabel.frame= frame;


        cell.liveButton.hidden = NO;

    if (([gameInfoObject.GameTime rangeOfString:@":"].location != NSNotFound)) {
        cell.accessoryType = FALSE;
        cell.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
        cell.homeTeamScoreLabel.hidden = YES;
        cell.awayTeamScoreLabel.hidden = YES;

    cell.gameTimeLabel.text = gameInfoObject.GameTime;

    return cell;


Just check for the indexpath.row

if (indexpath.row == 2){
    cell.liveButton.hidden = YES;
    CGRect frame = cell.gameTimeLabel.frame;
    frame.origin.x= 27;                         // move the label 10pts to the left since no image will be present
    cell.gameTimeLabel.frame= frame;}

EDIT ---

Its still not 100% clear what exactly the problem is but heres a couple of things you could try.

Reset the layout in layoutSubviews [self.view setNeedsLayout]; Reload the data of the UITableView instance after the view loads initially.