C ++快速排序枢纽优化枢纽、快速

2023-09-11 07:11:34 作者:小鬼闭嘴


Currently, I have a barebones implementation of the quicksort algorithm to sort some randomly generated numbers. The sort is efficient, more so than merge sort. However, for specific number sets (e.g. reversed numbers that need to be sorted the other way around), I need to optimized the pivot.

int* partition (int* first, int* last);
void quickSort(int* first, int* last) {
    if (last - first <= 1) return;

    int* pivot = partition(first, last);
    quickSort(first, pivot);
    quickSort(pivot + 1, last);

int* partition (int* first, int* last) {
    int pivot = *(last - 1);
    int* i = first;
    int* j = last - 1;

    for (;;) {
        while (*i < pivot && i < last) i++;
        while (*j >= pivot && j > first) j--;
        if (i >= j) break;
        swap (*i, *j);

    swap (*(last - 1), *i);

    return i;


So for this code, I either want to use a random number as the pivot for the partitioning step, or use the median of the first, middle, and last elements as the pivot.



I'm new to sorting algorithms, and my understanding of them is not complete just yet.



    int pivot = *(last - 1);
    swap ((last - 1), i);


    int* pos = (first + rand(last - first));
    int pivot = *pos;
    swap (pos, i);

    int* pos = mean_of_three((last - 1), (first), ((first + last) / 2));
    int pivot = *pos;
    swap (pos, i);

其中, mean_of_three 带3个指针,并返回一个指针的意思。

where mean_of_three take 3 pointers and returns a pointer to the mean.