
2023-09-11 05:22:19 作者:我背好痒是不是要变喰种


i'm looking for an algorithm that finds the shortest path between two vertices (i and j) in a graph that contains a specified number of edges, n. i have a dynamic program that looks at the shortest path to the destination with n-1 edges, but how can i be sure that the shortest path being found starts at i?



I guess the edges have different costs / lengths and that the constraint is that there are n edges, and among all paths from i to j that have exactly n individual edges, the goal is to find the one that has least total cost / length.


If you do this using dynamic programming, the recurrences are

spath(f, t, n): --- returns shortest path from 'f' to 't' that has 'n' edges

spath(x, x, 0) = [x] --- path that has only one vertex
spath(x, y, 0) = NO PATH --- when x != y

spath(f, t, n) =
  min cost path over (x is any node that is connected to t):
     spath(f, x, n-1) + [t] (x can be appended because there is edge x - t)