贝尔曼 - 福特:所有的最短路径贝尔、福特、有的、最短

2023-09-12 21:20:46 作者:狐狸未成妖

我已经成功地实现贝尔曼 - 福特找到最短路径的距离时,边缘有负权重/距离。我没有能够得到它返回所有的最短路径(当有联系的最短)。我设法让所有的最短路径与Dijkstra算法(给定的对节点之间)。与贝尔曼 - 福特这可能吗? (只是想知道如果我在浪费时间尝试)

I've successfully implemented Bellman-Ford to find the distance of the shortest path when edges have negative weights/distances. I've not been able to get it to return all shortest paths (when there are ties for shortest). I managed to get all shortest paths (between a given pair of nodes) with Dijkstra. Is this possible with Bellman-Ford? (just want to know if I'm wasting my time trying)


如果你改变的 Bellman-Ford算法​​一点点就可以实现的东西非常相似:

If you alter the second step of the Bellman-Ford algorithm a little bit you can achieve something very similar:

for i from 1 to size(vertices)-1:
   for each edge uv in edges: // uv is the edge from u to v
       u := uv.source
       v := uv.destination
       if u.distance + uv.weight < v.distance:
           v.distance := u.distance + uv.weight
           v.predecessor[] := u
       else if u.distance + uv.weight == v.distance:
           if u not in v.predecessor:
               v.predecessor += u

其中,诉predecessor ​​是顶点的列表。如果新的距离为V 等于它不包括尚未包括新的predecessor的路径。

where v.predecessor is a list of vertices. If the new distance of v equals a path which isn't included yet include the new predecessor.


In order to print all shortest paths you could use something like

procedure printPaths(vertex current, vertex start, list used, string path):
    if current == start:
        print start.id + " -> " + path
        for each edge ve in current.predecessors:
            if ve.start not in used:
                printPaths(ve.start,start, used + ve.start, ve.start.id + " -> " + path)

使用 printPaths(停止,启动,停止,stop.id)以打印所有路径。

注:可以排除如果u在V predecessor则v predecessor ​​+ = U 从改进算法,如果你删除。之后,该算法已经完成重复的元素。

Note: It is possible to exclude if u not in v.predecessor then v.predecessor += u from the modified algorithm if you remove duplicate elements after the algorithm has finished.