
2023-09-11 05:04:12 作者:你叼个瘠薄 °


I am trying to find a point (P2) in a closed area that has the minimum distance to a point (P1). The area is built of homogenous pixels, it is not shaped perfectly and it is not necessarily convex. This is basically a problem of reaching an area from the shortest path.


The whole space is a stored in the form of a bitmap in the memory. What is the best method to find P2? Should I go with random search (optimization) methods? Optimization methods do not give the exact minimum but they are faster than brute forcing every pixel of the area. I need to perform thousands of these decisions in a few seconds.


The MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY of the area is available.




Here is my code, it's a discrete version using discrete coordinates:


Hint: the method I used to find the circumference of the Area is simple, it's like how do you know the beach from the land ? answer: the beach is covered by Sea from one side, so in my graph matrix, NULL reference is Sea, Points are Land!


class Point
    public int x;
    public int y;

    public Point (int X, int Y)
        this.x = X;
        this.y = Y;


class Area
    public ArrayList<Point> points;

    public Area ()
        p = new ArrayList<Point>();


Discrete Distance Utility Class:

class DiscreteDistance

    public static int distance (Point a, Point b)
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.x - a.x,2), Math.pow(b.y - a.y,2))

    public static int distance (Point a, Area area)
        ArrayList<Point> cir = circumference(area);
        int d = null;

        for (Point b : cir)
            if (d == null || distance(a,b) < d)
                d = distance(a,b);

        return d;

    ArrayList<Point> circumference (Area area)
        int minX = 0;
        int minY = 0;
        int maxX = 0;
        int maxY = 0;

        for (Point p : area.points)
            if (p.x < minX) minX = p.x;
            if (p.x > maxX) maxX = p.x;
            if (p.y < minY) minY = p.y;
            if (p.y > maxY) maxY = p.y;

        int w = maxX - minX +1;
        int h = maxY - minY +1;

        Point[][] graph = new Point[w][h];

        for (Point p : area.points)
            graph[p.x - minX][p.y - minY] = p;

        ArrayList<Point> cir = new ArrayList<Point>();

        for (int i=0; i<w; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<h; j++)
                if ((i > 0 && graph[i-1][j] == null)
                  || (i < (w-1) && graph[i+1][j] == null)
                  || (j > 0 && graph[i][j-1] == null)
                  || (i < (h-1) && graph[i][j+1] == null))

        return cir;