
2023-09-11 04:56:55 作者:曲终人散欺骗

我有一组点(在表格的 X1,Y1,Z1 ... XN,YN,锌的)从表面网格获得。我想通过最小化正交距离来找到最佳拟合三维平面至这些点。 X,Y,Z 的坐标是独立的,这是我想要得到的系数A,B,C,D为平面方程ax +到+锆+ D = 0。

I have a set of points (in the form x1,y1,z1 ... xn,yn,zn) obtained from a surface mesh. I want to find the best-fit 3D plane to these points by minimizing orthogonal distances. x,y,z coordinates are independent, that is I want to obtain the coefficient A, B, C, D for the plane equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.


What would be the algorithm to obtain A, B, C, D?

注:在 previous帖子这是讨论的最佳拟合平面在最小二乘意义上说,通过考虑的以Z 的协调线性的 X,Y功能的。然而,这不是我的情况。

Note: in a previous post it was discussed the best-fit plane in a least squares sense, by considering the z coordinate a linear function of x,y. However this is not my case.


从记忆中,这变成一个特征向量的问题。从点到你的飞机之间的距离成正比,斧+到+锆+ D - 一种方式看,这是需要注意的是一个垂直于平面(A,B,C)。该常数D是颈部疼痛,但我认为你可以重新定义你的变量将它转移到一个常数,使得一切都意味着0。在这种情况下,我认为最合适平面将穿过原点摆脱它

From memory, this turns into an eigenvector problem. The distance from a point to your plane is proportional to Ax + By + Cz + D - one way to see this is to note that a normal to the plane is (A, B, C). The constant D is a pain in the neck, but I think you can get rid of it by redefining your variables to shift it to a constant so that everything has mean 0. In this case I think the best fitting plane will go through the origin.

您然后找到要最大限度地减少SUM_i(X_i A)^ 2,其中A为3载体。当然你也可以让这个任意小的由一些小的标量乘以A的所有组件,因此要尽量减少这种受该如约束||一|| ^ 2 = 1,这使得比例由制作单位向量的感觉。 (X_i A)^ 2 = A'(X_i'X)A,所以要尽量减少 A'(SUM_i(X_i'X_i))。那么我想你想SUM_i X_i'X_i的最小特征向量

You then find you want to minimise SUM_i (X_i . A)^2 where A is a 3-vector. Of course you can make this arbitrarily small by multiplying all components of A by some small scalar, so you want to minimise this subject to the constraint that e.g. ||A||^2 = 1, which makes sense of the proportionality by making A a unit vector. (X_i . A)^2 = A' (X_i' X) A, so you want to minimise A' (SUM_i (X_i'X_i)) A So I think you want the minimum eigenvector of SUM_i X_i'X_i


One reason this isn't used more frequently in statistics is that the answer you get will change if you scale the units of any of the co-ordinate vectors without similarly scaling the units in other directions by the same amount.


Come to think of it, you can see all this worked out properly at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_least_squares