
2023-09-10 18:19:00 作者:久不愈i

我使用jQuery $。阿贾克斯()函数PHP页面上执行数据库插入操作。因此,在成功的话会做常规操作,但我想如果更新操作失败的Ajax调用接收错误。

I am using jQuery $.ajax() function to perform a database insert operation on a php page. So, on success it will do the regular operation but I want the ajax call to receive error if the update operation fails.


$阿贾克斯 - >调用PHP函数 在接收成功的记录插入成功 在unsuccessfull插入接收错误


So, should I do a return false; from my php function? I think the $.ajax() success or error depends if the AJAX call was successful or not. So, I think even if I return false; from my php function it will still be considered a "success" for the ajax call. Right



You could return the error message in your server response (or using JSON) as someone suggested. But I don't like it too much because this pollutes the data returned.


I like another way I've been using recently, which involves creating a custom HTTP header to inform if there was an error.

PHP code:

   header("DB_SUCCESS: 0"); //Sends a custom header
   header("DB_SUCCESS: 1");


jQuery code:

  success: function(data, status, xhr){
     //You can use your 'data' var as always
     if(xhr.getResponseHeader("DB_SUCCESS") == 1){
        alert("Save successful");
        //Your regular sutff
        alert("Save failed");

正如你所看到的,我们创建了一个自定义HTTP标头,叫 DB_SUCCESS 来作为元数据,因此我们可以将其指定服务器端(PHP)和阅读与客户端(JavaScript)知道,如果有一个错误。

As you can see, we created a custom HTTP header, called DB_SUCCESS to be used as metadata, so we can assign it server-side (php) and read it with client-side (javascript) to know if there was an error.
