导轨 - 让使用Ajax的链接工作导轨、链接、工作、Ajax

2023-09-11 22:31:13 作者:不爱丶就滚一边去


I have a link that should use ajax to load a partial next to it without reloading the page. Here is the link:

<%= link_to 'test ajax link', profile_form_path , remote: true %>


Here is the controller that the link should go to:

class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
    def profile_form #the action is currently static so there is nothing in the controller

这里是JS查看控制器动作去: profile_form.js.erb

And here is the js view that the controller action goes to: profile_form.js.erb

$('.tab-edit-profile').html("<%= j render 'profile_form_p' %>");


However, it does not work. The browser returns this error:

Template is missing
Missing template profiles/profile_form


get 'profile_form', to: 'profiles#profile_form'


If I change the file name to profile_form.html.erb, the page loads but not using ajax obviously. Can anyone tell me the correct way to use ajax to implement this? Thanks.


你需要的是一个局部的,例如, _profile.html.erb 。下划线告诉Rails该文件呈现为局部的。在你的 profile_form.js.erb 你可以试试。

What you need is a partial, for example, _profile.html.erb. The underscore tells Rails this file is rendered as partial. In your profile_form.js.erb you can try.

$('.tab-edit-profile').html("<%= escape_javascript(render 'profile') %>");

这应该让你去用静态内容。对于动态,建立一个 @profile 实例变量和尝试。

That should get you going with static content. For dynamic, setup a @profile instance variable and try.

$('.tab-edit-profile').html("<%= escape_javascript(render @profile) %>");
