在Access 2010中锁定表Access

2023-09-08 11:16:02 作者:再逼我我就用面条上吊


How do I lock fields in access so the user is only able to add to table? I want the user to only have access to adding to the table to maintain data intergity.


由于您使用Access 2010(或更高版本),可以使用事件驱动的数据宏来限制哪些用户可以做的。为$ P $删除记录pvent他们,你可以使用下面的前删除宏:

Since you are using Access 2010 (or later) you can use event-driven Data Macros to restrict what the users can do. To prevent them from deleting records you can use the following Before Delete macro:


If you also want to prevent them from editing existing records you can use the following Before Change macro:

