我如何通过VBA在MS Access填充文本框文本框、VBA、MS、Access

2023-09-09 21:24:29 作者:让我再睡一会

我有一个表RR_info其持有以下领域RR_ID,HR_ID,No_of_Beds,Room_Category。现在我想通过VBA code与Form_Load事件我应该填充的文本框为所有这些表字段。为此,我写了获得根据hotel_id作为标准,而是code不工作某些记录的查询。

I have a table RR_info which hold following fields RR_ID, HR_ID, No_of_Beds, Room_Category. Now i want that through VBA code with Form_load event I should populate textboxes for all these table fields. For this I wrote a query which get certain records according to hotel_id as a criteria but code is not working.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

SQL = "select * from RR_info where hr_id = " & Forms![hhrrr]![List38] & ";"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)

Me.RR_ID.Text = rs!RR_ID
Me.HR_ID.Text = rs!HR_ID
Me.Room_No.Text = rs![Room No]
Me.No_of_Beds.text = rs!No_of_Beds
Me.Room_Category.text = rs!Room_Category

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub


This is the Picture of Table in which i want to add table data according to criteria through VBA



The .Text property is only available for the control which currently has focus. When you attempt to reference .Text on any other control, you will trigger an error. The .Value property is available whether or not the control has focus.


To be safe, change them all to .Value.

Me.RR_ID.Value = rs!RR_ID
Me.HR_ID.Value = rs!HR_ID
Me.Room_No.Value = rs![Room No]
Me.No_of_Beds.Value = rs!No_of_Beds
Me.Room_Category.Value = rs!Room_Category