
2023-09-08 11:05:57 作者:他放手 假洒脱

我试图调用与ExternalInterface的在Fl​​ash SWF声明的函数,使用JavaScript。它的工作一次,但突然,它停止工作。

I'm trying to call a function declared with ExternalInterface in a Flash swf, using JavaScript. It worked once, but all of a sudden, it stopped working.

我有Flash播放器的调试版本,但会出现在Flash中没有错误。甚至没有一个安全沙箱错误什么的。我得到的唯一错误是在JavaScript中出现以下错误错误:在Actionscript中的错误。使用try / catch块,以寻找错误。

I have a debug version of the Flash Player, but no errors occur in Flash. Not even a "Security Sandbox Error" or something. The only error I get is the following error in JavaScript Error: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.

我使用AS3,出口为Flash Player 10和测试在Firefox 3/4的Safari在Mac上。

I'm using AS3, exporting for Flash Player 10 and testing on Firefox 3/Safari 4, on a Mac.

任何援助将大大AP preciated。

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Check out ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions. It should allow you to see more details about the error.