
2023-09-09 21:21:50 作者:心稳路正精彩


Is there an existing javascript library for relaying key press events in the browser (or certain divs) into flash? I am hoping there might be a library kind of like this one for mousewheel events ?


Something like this handles javascript keyboard shortcuts great. I suppose I could just listen for those events and pass the ones I want into flash?


These are great examples, however, if flash has focus, then javascript keystrokes are lost. How can you ensure that all key events go through javascript?



Here's another example using jQuery. You can see some sort of demo here. It traces the keypresses from the browser to a textbox.


Your JavaScript would be

var altPressed = false;
    var ctrlPressed = false;

    function getFlashMovie(movieName) 
    	var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
    	return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName];

    function sendCode(code) {
    	movie = getFlashMovie('keyboard-listener');

    function activeKey(e) {
    	if (e.which == 18) altPressed = true;
    	if (e.which == 17) ctrlPressed = true;
    	if ((e.which != 18)&&(e.which != 17)) sendCode((altPressed?'alt+':'')+(ctrlPressed?'ctrl+':'')+String.fromCharCode(e.which));

    function inactiveKey(e) {
    	if (e.which == 18) altPressed = false;
    	if (e.which == 17) ctrlPressed = false;

    $(document).ready(function() {


Inside the Flash movie, you would have the following code:


function keyEvent(code:String):void {
    // do something with the "code" parameter, that looks like "alt+ctrl+D", may use .split('+'), etc

您需要导入 jQuery的在你的HTML文件,仅此而已。 jQuery是跨浏览器的,因此不会出现问题。测试在Safari浏览器,Firefox和Opera(OSX)。

You'll need to import jQuery in your html file and that's about it. jQuery is cross-browser, so no problems should arise. Tested on Safari, Firefox and Opera (OSX).