我在哪里可以找到一个YACC gammar的ECMAScript中/动作脚本/ Javascript的我在、可以找到、脚本、动作

2023-09-08 11:04:37 作者:追梦者

我的编译器类需要我们找到一个yacc语法对这些语言之一,并与我们写的分词结合起来。 presumably这是一件很容易谷歌,但我找不到它和我的同学们都在努力为好。一个yacc语法对于这三种语言的语言就足够了。

My compilers class requires us to find a yacc grammar for one of these languages and combine it with the tokenizer we wrote. Presumably this is something easy to Google but I can't find it and my classmates are struggling as well. A yacc grammar for any of those three languages would suffice.


本的的可能的为你工作:的 http://www.antlr.org/grammar/1153976512034/​​ecmascriptA3.g