
2023-09-07 13:37:53 作者:我要坚强°


I recall learning about the corner-stitched data structure a number of years ago and have been fascinated with it ever since. It originated with a paper by Ousterhout.

我已经搜索并没有能够找到一个自由/开放的实现。我想preFER一个C ++实现,但在这一点上会接受任何指针人可能。

I've searched and not been able to find a free/open implementations. I'd prefer a C++ implementation, but at this point would accept any pointers people might have.

注:边角缝合数据结构是一种方法来存储2维,rectangluar数据,明确地维持插入元件之间的空白。这是相对于一个四叉树其中只存储所插入的数据元素。有很多取舍,我最感兴趣的是一个实现 - 也愿意接受具有类似性质的替代品

Note: a corner-stitched data structure is a way to store 2 dimensional, rectangluar data, explicitly maintaining the whitespace between inserted elements. This is as opposed to a quad-tree which just stores the inserted data elements. There are many trade-offs, I'm mostly interested in an implementation - but would also accept alternatives that have similar properties.


Ousterhout加入自己的软件包魔术实现角落拼接。 C源程序code可BSD许可的 http://opencircuitdesign.com/magic 。

Ousterhout's own software package Magic implements corner stitching. The C source code is available BSD-licensed at http://opencircuitdesign.com/magic.