
2023-09-06 06:21:43 作者:心若向阳无畏黑夜


I have read other posts related to this but I haven't got anything concrete.


I am developing an android app using phonegap which needs some sort of text translation. So I searched google translate api but they are charging price for it. They haven't make it available for testing also.


So I moved to bing translate but not sure whether we can use it for android or not. If we can use then how can we use it using jQuery. I have searched a lot but not getting any concrete information.


So someone please suggest Is there anyway by which google can give their translate api for testing


A way to use bing translate api for android app for just testing purpose


Any open source api which can do this thing for me.



找到一个有用的链接:的 自由/开源机器翻译软件

Found a useful link:Free/open-source machine translation software

我觉得你可以尝试像 Apertium 一些基于规则的翻译,< A HREF =htt​​p://anusaaraka.iiit.ac.in/相对=nofollow> Anusaaraka ,的 OpenLogos 或 复方麻辛 。但我认为,统计机器翻译系统能够提供更好的翻译质量是否得到足够的培训。 摩西 具有最广泛的社会支持,并已经尝试了很多本地化公司和研究人员。你可以看看它的翻译质量这里根据不同的训练数据和语言。

I think you can try some Rule-Based Translator like Apertium, Anusaaraka, OpenLogos or Maxin. But I think statistical machine translation systems can provide better translation quality if get adequate training. Moses has the widest community support and has been tried out by many localization companies and researchers. You can take a look at its translation quality here based on different training data and languages.


Other Option(You have to rely on network, they are not open sourced):

微软翻译API的 微软翻译API的所提供的Ajax,SOAP,HTTP访问,就需要注册。但是,它是免费的。我想必应翻译API 依赖于它

Microsoft Translator APIs Microsoft Translator APIs provides Ajax, SOAP, HTTP accesses, it requires registration. But it is free. I think the Bing Translation API relies on it.

Mygengo翻译API 玄五需要你先创建一个帐户。

Mygengo Translation API Gengo requires you to create an account first.

WebServiceX翻译API 一个免费的Web服务。检查其 WSDL

WebServiceX Translate API A free webservice. Check its wsdl


Yandex API