
2023-09-07 03:21:13 作者:余生伴你流浪


I got one simple question: which kind of data structure is a stack? Is it a static or dynamic data structure? I was looking for the answer and couldn't find it, therefore I got my own "explanation" - I guess, when you can implement it either by using an array or a linked list, it can be... both?, depending on implementation? Does my reasoning make any sense?



By definition, a static data structure has fixed size. If you can limit the size of your stack to some pre-determined number, your stack becomes a static data structure. Its size is the size of its storage, plus the size of the stack pointer or stack index indicating the current location.


A stack of an unlimited capacity is a dynamic data structure, regardless of its implementation. It could be implemented with a linked list or an array that you re-allocate upon reaching its capacity, but the size of such stack changes as you add or remove data.