
2023-09-07 04:10:51 作者:作业被我养得白白的


I searched high and low but could only find indirect references to this type of question. When developing an android application, if you have a string which has been entered by the user, how can you convert it to title case (ie. make the first letter of each word upper case)? I would rather not import a whole library (such as Apache's WordUtils).



I got some pointers from here: Android,need to make in my ListView the first letter of each word uppercase, but in the end, rolled my own solution (note, this approach assumes that all words are separated by a single space character, which was fine for my needs):

String[] words = input.getText().toString().split(" ");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (words[0].length() > 0) {
    sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(words[0].charAt(0)) + words[0].subSequence(1, words[0].length()).toString().toLowerCase());
    for (int i = 1; i < words.length; i++) {
        sb.append(" ");
        sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(words[i].charAt(0)) + words[i].subSequence(1, words[i].length()).toString().toLowerCase());
String titleCaseValue = sb.toString();


...where input is an EditText view. It is also helpful to set the input type on the view so that it defaults to title case anyway:
