我应该使用ActionBarSherlock为Android 4.0+应用程序吗?应用程序、ActionBarSherlock、Android

2023-09-08 08:45:47 作者:极端的幸福

我的应用程序只能运行在Android 4.0 / API 14或更高版本(即的minSdkVersion =14,targetSdkVersion =17)。





NOPE! :)

该库的整个观点是,有一天它可以走开。你可以阅读更多有关此一篇博客文章中我写称为德$ P $从开始pcated

My app will only run on Android 4.0/API 14 or later (i.e. minSdkVersion="14", targetSdkVersion="17").

Is there any advantage to using ActionBarSherlock in this scenario?

解决方案 ActionBarSherlock首页 文档和下载 Android UI 组件 OSCHINA 中文开源技术交流社区

Is there any advantage to using ActionBarSherlock in this scenario?

As the developer of ActionBarSherlock I can only tell you one thing...

NOPE! :)

The whole point of the library was that someday it can just go away. You can read more about this in a blog post I wrote called "Deprecated from Inception".