
2023-09-07 02:04:27 作者:余生相恋

我有多达 8 个单独的 Python 进程在共享文件夹中创建临时文件.然后我希望控制过程以特定顺序将所有临时文件附加到一个大文件中.在与操作系统无关的 shell 级别上执行此操作的最快方法是什么?

I have up to 8 seperate Python processes creating temp files in a shared folder. Then I'd like the controlling process to append all the temp files in a certain order into one big file. What's the quickest way of doing this at an os agnostic shell level?



Just using simple file IO:

# tempfiles is a list of file handles to your temp files. Order them however you like
f = open("bigfile.txt", "w")
for tempfile in tempfiles:


That's about as OS agnostic as it gets. It's also fairly simple, and the performance ought to be about as good as using anything else.