
2023-09-05 06:04:21 作者:爷、无限嚣张

我现在的编程在Android上,我不知道我们是否可以使用GPGPU为Android现在呢?我曾经听人说过Renderscript有可能对GPGPU在未来执行。但我不知道是否有可能对我们节目的GPGPU吗?如果有可能我对Android GPGPU编程,在哪里可以找到一些教程或示例程序?谢谢您的帮助和建议。

I am now programming on Android and I wonder whether we can use GPGPU for Android now? I once heard that Renderscript can potentially execute on GPGPU in the future. But I wonder whether it is possible for us to programming on GPGPU now? And if it is possible for me to program on the Android GPGPU, where can I find some tutorials or sample programs? Thank you for your help and suggestions.

到现在为止我知道的OpenGL ES库现在正加速使用GPU,但我想用GPU进行计算。我想要做的是加速运算,这样我希望用API的一些库,如OpenCL的。

Up till now I know that the OpenGL ES library was now accelerated use GPU, but I want to use the GPU for computing. What I want to do is to accelerate computing so that I hope to use some libraries of APIs such as OpenCL.



Actually Renderscript Compute doesn't use the GPU at this time, but is designed for it.


From Romain Guy who works on the Android platform:

Renderscript计算目前CPU的限制,但随着的for_each建设将采取多核心的优势立即 Renderscript计算的目的是要在GPU和/或CPU 运行 Renderscript计算避免了编写JNI code和为您提供了平台无关的,高性能的结果 Renderscript计算就可以了,由于Android 4.1,受益于SIMD优化(NEON在ARM)的
