
2023-09-06 04:22:14 作者:别偷走我的甜


I am new in android, I am getting location through gps, I am also getting satellite number in our code but I want to get specific satellite name or number which is used to get the location. I have google so much but not getting proper solution regarding this.

我的问题是: -    1。它有可能获得一个特定的卫星的名称或号码?如果有,请帮我怎么找呢?

My Question is:- 1. It is possible to get a particular satellite name or number ? if yes please help me how to find it ?



的 locationManager.getGpsStatus(空).getSatellites()(主叫方既可以传递一个GpsStatus对象设置为最新状态信息,或传递null以创建一个新的GpsStatus对象。)

locationManager.getGpsStatus(null).getSatellites() (The caller may either pass in a GpsStatus object to set with the latest status information, or pass null to create a new GpsStatus object.)

返回 GpsSatellite阵列对象,从而重新present的GPS引擎的当前状态。

Returns an array of GpsSatellite objects, which represent the current state of the GPS engine.

locationManager.getGpsStatus(空).getSatellites() .getPrn() 返回PRN(伪随机数)的卫星。

locationManager.getGpsStatus(null).getSatellites().getPrn() Returns the PRN (pseudo-random number) for the satellite.

getMaxSatellites() 返回卫星的,可以是在可由getSatellites返回的卫星列表的最大数量()。

getMaxSatellites () Returns the maximum number of satellites that can be in the satellite list that can be returned by getSatellites().


  public class SatellitesInfoActivity extends Activity implements GpsStatus.Listener {

    LocationManager locationManager = null;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

    public void onGpsStatusChanged(int) {
        GpsStatus gpsStatus = locationManager.getGpsStatus(null);
        if(gpsStatus != null) {
            Iterable<GpsSatellite>satellites = gpsStatus.getSatellites();
            Iterator<GpsSatellite>sat = satellites.iterator();
            String lSatellites = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (sat.hasNext()) {
                GpsSatellite satellite = sat.next();
                lSatellites = "Satellite" + (i++) + ": " 
                     + satellite.getPrn() + "," 
                     + satellite.usedInFix() + "," 
                     + satellite.getSnr() + "," 
                     + satellite.getAzimuth() + "," 
                     + satellite.getElevation()+ "\n\n";
