
2023-09-07 08:38:36 作者:野區十三姨ら

有没有什么库,能够读取解析.shp文件,preferably在哪里我也不需要使用NDK。 我试图用GeoTools,但我不能缝来得到它的工作在Android上。

is there any library that is able to read parse a .shp file, preferably on where I don't need to use NDK. I was trying to use GeoTools but i can't seam to get it to work on Android.


我已经用两个轻量级shape文件分析器与Android的好成绩: diewald_shapeFileReader 和的Java ESRI形状文件阅读器。

I've been using two lightweight shapefile parsers with good results in android: diewald_shapeFileReader and Java ESRI Shape File Reader.


Geotools relies heavily on AWT and Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) both not supported by android. So it´s not a viable option.