.NET多线程 - 我是否需要同步访问原始类型的变量?变量、多线程、原始、类型

2023-09-04 08:42:53 作者:青楼满座骚逼贱货




我应该懒得连载访问该已启用使用类似锁(lockObject)属性{...} ,或者是它的安全不?



The scenario

I have a class with a bool Enabled property, that is used by a loop on another thread to see whether it should stop or not. The idea is that a different thread can set that property to false and stop the other thread running cleanly.

The question

Should I bother to serialise access to that Enabled property using something like lock (lockObject) { ... }, or is it safe without?

解决方案 变量可见性 线程安全 多线程

Primitive type reads are atomic provided that they fit within a CPU read. Thus a 32 bit primitive type read is atomic on a 32 bit CPU, whereas a 64 bit type read is not. However, unless it is also volatile your other thread may not see changes due to caching.