
2023-09-03 01:57:41 作者:南笙挽风


EF migration utility seems quite nice when using code first.


Based on this blog post, I tried setting it in my project where we use model-first. When running Enable-Migrations command, I get the following error:

创建DbModelBuilder或写EDMX从的DbContext使用数据库优先或模型首先不支持创建。 EDMX只能从一个code首先的DbContext创建,而无需使用现有DbCompiledModel获得

Creating a DbModelBuilder or writing the EDMX from a DbContext created using Database First or Model First is not supported. EDMX can only be obtained from a Code First DbContext created without using an existing DbCompiledModel.


Is there any way around it so we can use the EF migration without switching to code-first?



I have an incomplete blog entry on how you could do this. Not sure if it will fit your need, but seems to be the only method available so far.


Basically you use custom t4 to generate DbMigrationsConfiguration and DbContext from your model and you don't need to run Enable-Migration at all. Simply run Add-Migration and Update-Database in the Package Manager Console.

http://blog.amusedia.com/ 2012/08 /实体架构迁移与 - model.html


I will be update the blog entry and t4 to make it more user friendly later.