
2023-09-04 00:19:13 作者:离别、浮夸的尘世美


I'm currently adding a tooltip to a label like so:

ToolTip LabelToolTip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();
LabelToolTip.SetToolTip(this.LocationLabel, text);


When I need to change this tooltip as the label's text changes, I try doing the same to add a new tooltip. Unfortunately, the old tooltip remains under the new one, which is really annoying. Is there a method to remove the old tooltip, or should I just make a new label when I want to change the text in a label?


创建工具提示的单个实例并使用它,只要你喜欢它使用 SetToolTip 方法和使用Hide方法来隐藏它。一般来说,没有必要创建一个以上的工具提示实例。

Create a single instance of the ToolTip and use it whenever you like to show it using the SetToolTip method and use Hide method to hide it. Generally it is not necessary to create more than one ToolTip instance.