真正发生在try {返回X; }终于{X = NULL; } 声明?声明、发生在、try、NULL

2023-09-02 21:08:44 作者:能娇会喘


I saw this tip in another question and was wondering if someone could explain to me how on earth this works?

try { return x; } finally { x = null; }

我的意思是,在最后子句真正执行的 的的返回语句之后?如何线程安全的是这样的code?你能想到的任何额外的两轮牛车,可以做WRT这个尝试,终于破解?

I mean, does the finally clause really execute after the return statement? How thread-unsafe is this code? Can you think of any additional hackery that can be done w.r.t. this try-finally hack?


没有 - 在IL水平,你不能从一个异常处理块内返回。它实质上是将其存储在一个变量,并返回之后

No - at the IL level you can't return from inside an exception-handled block. It essentially stores it in a variable and returns afterwards


int tmp;
try {
  tmp = ...
} finally {
return tmp;


static int Test() {
    try {
        return SomeNumber();
    } finally {


.method private hidebysig static int32 Test() cil managed
    .maxstack 1
    .locals init (
        [0] int32 CS$1$0000)
    L_0000: call int32 Program::SomeNumber()
    L_0005: stloc.0 
    L_0006: leave.s L_000e
    L_0008: call void Program::Foo()
    L_000d: endfinally 
    L_000e: ldloc.0 
    L_000f: ret 
    .try L_0000 to L_0008 finally handler L_0008 to L_000e

这基本上声明一个局部变量( CS $ 1 $ 0000 ),则以值到变量(处理块内),然后退出模块负载变量后,然后返回它。反射呈现此为:

This basically declares a local variable (CS$1$0000), places the value into the variable (inside the handled block), then after exiting the block loads the variable, then returns it. Reflector renders this as:

private static int Test()
    int CS$1$0000;
        CS$1$0000 = SomeNumber();
    return CS$1$0000;