
2023-09-02 11:25:34 作者:尽管走

我在的.htaccess 文件中的以下行来选择要使用的PHP版本:

I have the following line in my .htaccess file to select which version of PHP to use:

AddType x-httpd-php53 .php


This works great in the live environment but doesn't apply to the test environment and breaks the site.


Is there a way I can put it in an if statement or something by IP of the server or URL of website or something so that it only comes into effect in the live environment?


是的Apache 2.4 ,很容易与<如果> / <否则> 指令(?关于%{HTTP_HOST}

With Apache 2.4, it is easy with <If>/<Else> directives (on %{HTTP_HOST}?).

<If "%{HTTP_HOST} == 'foo'">
    # configuration for foo
    # default configuration

对于的Apache 2.2 并较早,我会一个参数之一添加到Apache( -D 选项)的启动命令行两个环境然后进行测试,如果它是present或不通过&LT; IfDefine&GT;

For Apache 2.2 and earlier, I would add a parameter to the startup command line of Apache (-D option) in one of the two environments then test if it is present or not via <IfDefine>.

要做到这一点在Windows上,使用Apache作为服务启动,修改关键注册表 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM ControlSet001 服务 Apache2的&LT; VERSION&GT; 的ImagePath 通过追加 -DFOO 。然后,你可以写:

To do this on Windows, with Apache started as a service, modify key registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesApache2.<VERSION>ImagePath by appending -DFOO. Then, you can write:

<IfDefine FOO>
    # configuration for foo
<IfDefine !FOO>
    # default configuration