
2023-09-02 00:44:46 作者:全村莪最帥べ

现在,在我的网站,我已经设法通过将用户重定向,成功登录后,到 页使用这样的事情在我的 的页面:

Right now, in my website, i have managed to redirect the user, after successful login, to a page by using something like this on my page:

if( login was successful)

命名的文件夹的 的,包含了一个的.htaccess 文件,

 # This file prevents that your .php view files are accessed directly from the outside
 <Files ~ ".(htaccess|php)$">
 order allow,deny
 deny from all

这是造成在 protected_files 文件夹中的所有PHP文件,给用户一个403错误,当他们在浏览器中 www.mysite类型。 COM / protected_files / phpfile1.php

which is causing all .php files in the protected_files folder to give users a 403 error, when they type in their browser

这哪里是函数包括(protected_files / anyphpfile.php')就派上用场了。

Which is where the function include('protected_files/anyphpfile.php') comes in handy.

现在,我试图找出如何从 protected_files / phpfile1.php 将用户重定向到 protected_files / phpfile2.php 从菜单栏。

Now, i am trying to figure out how to redirect the user from protected_files/phpfile1.php to protected_files/phpfile2.php from a menu bar.

&LT; A HREF;第2页&LT; / A&GT; 不工作(错误403),因为它属于在 protected_files 文件夹,里面有的.htaccess 文件,并使得它不会从URL aaccessible。

<a href="">page2</a> is not working (error 403), because it belongs in the protected_files folder, which has the .htaccess file, and it makes it not aaccessible from a url.


My solution to this matter, was something like:

//code in ``
if ($_GET['page'] == "phpfile2") {
} else {    

这意味着,在成功登录后,用户会因为采取 默认( $ _GET [页] ==

Which means that after a successful login, users would be taken to by default (since $_GET['page'] == "")

现在,用户在 phpfile1.php ,他可以点击一个链接&LT;?页= phpfile2A HREF = GT ; phpfile2&LT; / A&GT; phpfile2.php 。虽然这样做,他的浏览器在第一次表演 后,他点击了链接,就说明 www.mysite .COM / login.php中?页= phpfile2

Now, the user is in phpfile1.php and he can click on an link <a href="?page=phpfile2">phpfile2</a> to go to phpfile2.php. While doing that, his browser at first shows and after he clicks on the link , it shows

不显示 的URL,当我试图做的是用户在 phpfile2.php 页,,但显示的实际文件路径,这是 www.mysite。 COM / protected_files / phpfile2.php

What i am trying to do is not show in the url , when the user is in the phpfile2.php page , but to show the actual file path, which is


能否成功后我可能改变的.htaccess protected_files 变成可达(没有更多的错误403)登录 ?如果我改变我做了完全这个网站的方法是什么?

Could i possibly change the .htaccess so that protected_files becomes reachable (no more error 403) after a successful login ? Should i change the way i made this site completely ?

基本上,到最后,我想有一个文件夹,名为 protected_files ,其中包含的.php是提供给用户的文件,只有经过成功登录。

Basically, in the end, i want to have a folder, named protected_files, which contains .php files that are available to the user, only after a successful login.



 <Files ~ ".(htaccess|php)$">
 order allow,deny
 deny from all

 <Files ~ ".(htaccess|include)$">
 order allow,deny
 deny from all

 <Files ~ ".php$">
 php_value auto_prepend_file "session_check.include"

然后让 session_check.include 检查用户是否登录;如果没有,调用退出()。然后在目录中的所有文件将检查用户是否登录;如果不是,它会退出。如果是这样,该文件将继续像正常的。

Then have session_check.include check to see if the user is logged in; if not, call exit(). Then every file in the directory will check whether the user is logged in; if they are not, it will exit. If they are, the file will continue like normal.

这样一来,你就不必做了一堆花样重写的入站和出站请求,以配合一些伪造了地图 - 你只要让每一个文件加载你登录了吗?检查,因为它做的第一件事。

This way, you don't have to do a bunch of tricks rewriting the inbound and outbound requests to match some faked up map - you just let each file load the "are you logged in yet?" check as the first thing it does.

请参阅怎样修改配置设置的文档就如何 php_value 的作品,和的 php.ini核心配置选项说明,获取有关 AUTO_ prepend_file

See How to change configuration settings for documentation on how the php_value works, and Description of core php.ini directives for documentation on auto_prepend_file