从JSON数据得到IMG SRC同时使用AngularJS NG绑定,HTML绑定、数据、IMG、JSON

2023-09-13 05:07:12 作者:你不知我情深


So I got a interesting question to which I haven't found a answer to.


Let's say I got a bunch of data coming from a JSON file like, but somehow one of the main fields looks like this

description : '<img src="https://m.xsw88.com/allimgs/daicuo/20230913/1426.png.jpg"/> Viewing of the Game of Thrones season debut came to a crashing halt yesterday thanks to server problems with HBO Go. The cable outfit first reported the problem late yesterday via Twitter, and finally restored full service early this morning. That...'

我如何将能够从IMG获得SRC同时采用NG-绑定-HTML的JSON数据的innerHTML绑定我的网页上。 (使用显示:无;在IMG本身,因此would'nt显示)

How would I be able to get the src from that IMG while using ng-bind-html to bind the json data to the innerHTML on my page. ( using display:none; on the img itself so it would'nt display )


I have tried getElementsByTags and so on, but nothing returned a valid value.


Is there some kind of "angular" way to do it or... ?




Based on the html stored in the object you could do this:

var json = {description : '<img src="https://m.xsw88.com/allimgs/daicuo/20230913/1426.png.jpg"/> Viewing of the Game of Thrones season debut came to a crashing halt yesterday thanks to server problems with HBO Go. The cable outfit first reported the problem late yesterday via Twitter, and finally restored full service early this morning. That...'};

  $scope.imgPath = '';

  $scope.getImage = function() {
    el = angular.element(angular.element('<div>' + json.description + '</div>').find('img')[0]);
    $scope.imgPath = el.attr('src');


下面是一个演示: http://plnkr.co/edit/JXy97lrN5FyW1MK33qO1? p = preVIEW


This solution assumes jQuery isn't included in the project.


 $scope.imgPath = angular.element(json.description).attr('src');

演示: http://plnkr.co/edit/zVllp9bmsU2DoZwDZnCY?p=info