
2023-09-13 04:53:06 作者:多余


In my project, I have a requirement to bring focus on first row of ng-grid as soon as the grid loads and it should move to next row when I press the down key. I added the following event:

$scope.$on('ngGridEventData', function (e,s) {
    $scope.gridOptions.selectRow(0, true);


But this event just selects the first row, it doesn't take the focus on first row. The row needs to be clicked to get the focus there. What is that additional statement we need to write to get the focus there?



I reported it on github repo of ng-grid and got the solution. You can check the conversation here: https://github.com/angular-ui/ng-grid/issues/539


We need to add the following statement to bring focus to the selected element:
