角JS'路线'不匹配%2F组件(EN codeD'/')组件、不匹配、路线、JS

2023-09-13 04:31:18 作者:韵


I have a 'route' in Angular JS as follows

$routeProvider.when('/foos/:fooId', { controller: FooController, templateUrl: 'foo.html'});

和它的伟大工程,除非:fooId组件包含一个/或%2F(EN codeD格式)

and it works great, unless the :fooId component contains either a '/' or '%2F' (encoded form)


How can I make this work, my 'fooId' can contain /s ?


您不能很容易地做到这一点,因为如果你在使用它与%2F A环节,浏览器将只去code为你,它会最终被 / 。 AngularJS目前不允许你在 $路线 PARAMS使用 /

You can't easily do this because if you use a link with %2F in it, the browser will just decode it for you and it'll end up being /. AngularJS currently doesn't allow you to use / in $route params.


You can double encode it, like in this plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/e04UMNQWkLRtoVOfD9b9?p=preview

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.controller('HomeCtrl', function ($scope, $route) {
app.controller('DirCtrl', function ($scope, $route) {
  var p = $route.current.params;

  $scope.path = decodeURIComponent(p.p1);

app.config(function ($routeProvider) {
            .when('/', {templateUrl: 'home.html', controller: 'HomeCtrl'})
        .when('/dir/:p1', {templateUrl: 'dir.html', controller: 'DirCtrl'})
            .otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});


和链接将是:< A HREF =#/ DIR / A%252Fb%252Fc>点击此处< / A>

另一种选择,如果你有 / 在参数字符可以在这里找到了一组数字:How我可以让angular.js路线长路径

Another option, if you have a set number of / characters in your parameters can be found here: How can I make the angular.js route the long path