
2023-09-13 04:27:47 作者:别回头我从来不等狗



 #角元件拖拽会重复使用previous拖乏,窃听了拖动。angular.module(aehalo,[])指令拖动($文件) -  GT;  运行startx = 0  startY = 0  X = 0  Y = 0  (范围,元素,属性) -  GT;    鼠标移动=(事件) -  GT;      Y = event.screenY  -  startY      X = event.screenX  -  STARTX      element.css        顶部:Y +PX        左:X +像素    鼠标松开=  - >      $ document.unbind鼠标移动,鼠标移动      $ document.unbind鼠标松开,鼠标松开    element.css      位置:相对      边框:1px的红色实心      的backgroundColor:浅灰      光标:指针    element.bind鼠标按下(事件) -  GT;      运行startx = event.screenX  -  X      startY = event.screenY  - ÿ      $ document.bind鼠标移动,鼠标移动      $ document.bind鼠标松开,鼠标松开 


这听起来像重置 X 鼠标按下甚至会修:

  element.bind鼠标按下(事件) -  GT;      X = 0      Y = 0      运行startx = event.screenX  -  X      startY = event.screenY  - ÿ      $ document.bind鼠标移动,鼠标移动      $ document.bind鼠标松开,鼠标松开 


I am using the example code located on the AngularJS main site. When I move the first draggable object, all is well. As soon as I begin dragging a second object, the second object 'jumps' exactly the distance which the first object was moved.

Initially I thought the fix would be as simple as resetting the variables. Unfortunately, all of my attempts have caused 'indentation errors'.

# Angular Drag Components RE-uses vars from previous drag, bugging out the dragging
angular.module("aehalo", []).directive "draggable", ($document) ->
  startX = 0
  startY = 0
  x = 0
  y = 0
  (scope, element, attr) ->
    mousemove = (event) ->
      y = event.screenY - startY
      x = event.screenX - startX
        top: y + "px"
        left: x + "px"

    mouseup = ->
      $document.unbind "mousemove", mousemove
      $document.unbind "mouseup", mouseup
      position: "relative"
      border: "1px solid red"
      backgroundColor: "lightgrey"
      cursor: "pointer"
    element.bind "mousedown", (event) ->
      startX = event.screenX - x
      startY = event.screenY - y
      $document.bind "mousemove", mousemove
      $document.bind "mouseup", mouseup


It sounds like resetting x and y in the mousedown even would fix it:

    element.bind "mousedown", (event) ->
      x = 0
      y = 0
      startX = event.screenX - x
      startY = event.screenY - y
      $document.bind "mousemove", mousemove
      $document.bind "mouseup", mouseup

If you're still getting indentation errors, make sure you aren't mixing tabs and spaces in your indentation.