与angularjs 1.2.6跨起源请求错误起源、错误、angularjs

2023-09-13 04:04:53 作者:こ撕掉你那虚伪的伪装

我试图做一个简单的POST请求 http://battle.platform45.com/register 的服务器所使用JSON回应。因此,从命令行:

I am trying to make a simple POST request to http://battle.platform45.com/register The server is setup to respond with JSON. So from the command line:





I try to do the same thing in angular:

app.controller('BattleshipCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.game = {}
    $scope.newGame = function(name, email){
        $http.post("http://battle.platform45.com/register", { 
            name: name,
            email: email
        }).success(function(data, status, headers, config){


with a simple view:

<input type='text' ng-model='game.name'>
<input type='text' ng-model='game.email'>
<div class='btn btn-success' ng-click='newGame(game.name, game.email)'>New game</div>


When I try to make the request I get an error:

OPTIONS http://battle.platform45.com/register 404 (Not Found) angular.js:7962
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://battle.platform45.com/register. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. 


How does the POST request go through with curl but not angular? What can I do to successfully make the request with angular?



I believe battle.platform45 is not allowing web browsers to do direct calls to their servers. By default, websites from different domains cannot access API resources from other websites.

由于根据platform45,必须使用Rails创建一个游戏。所以我建议创建自己的服务器,将他们的API服务器调用。然后用你的AngularJS code来访问你的服务器。

As according to platform45, you must use Rails to create a game. So I suggest creating your own server that will call from their API server. Then use your AngularJS code to access your server.


I hope this diagram can illustrate it better:

Battle.platform45服务器 - (被称为) - >您的服务器 - (被称为) - >您的HTML / JS角code

Battle.platform45 Server -- (is called by) --> Your Server -- (is called by) --> Your HTML/Angular JS Code