
2023-09-13 03:42:47 作者:过好


I am new to AngularJS, so please help me out.

我有一个code产生的onclick dropdownlists一个按钮。

I have a code that generates dropdownlists onclick of a button.


The dropdownlists fetch the data from database and get populated. I have populated them by using LINQ from the controller.cs file.


The values are bound to each dropdown using

NG-模式= item.projectId


Where item is the returned list from the controller.cs and projectId is the ID that we are using to identify the project.


Now I want to send all the selected values of each dropdown list to the server.

我现在用在这里2纳克模型的指令,一个是获取填充在dropdownlists的数据,第二个是用于发送值到服务器,这是一个包装早期NG-模型$划分C $角

I am using 2 ng-model directives over here, one is for getting the data populated in the dropdownlists and the second one is for sending the values to the server, which is in the division that wraps the earlier ng-model code.


Actually what I want to do is, I am generating the dropdowns on click of add projects, and I want to store these selected values of these dropdowns in array and send it to the controller(mvc.net controller server side code) to further save it to the database.


下面是一个在code ...

Here's a the code...

//控制器用于添加更多的点击下拉列表 - 添加更多的项目     

//the controller for adding more dropdowns on click - "Add more projects"


//custom directive (alert) to add new dropdons

<alert ng-repeat="alert in alerts" type="alert.type" close="closeAlert($index)" >
    <ul style="list-style-type: none; margin-left: 0px;" >
            <select data-ng-model="selectedProject[$index]"
            data-ng-options="test.ProjectId as test.ProjectName for test in items" id="Project">
            <option value="">-- Choose a Project --</option>
            <button type="button" ng-click="closeAlert($index)"><img src="delete.png" alt="Remove" style="height:20px; width:20px;" /></button>
<button class='btn' type='button' ng-click="addAlert()">Add Projects</button>


code for app.js this is my create controller

var CreateCtrlEmp = function ($scope, $location, SampleEmp, SampleProj, SampleDes, sharedValues) {
//gets the projects dropdown populated with values
$scope.items = SampleProj.query({ q: $scope.query });
//gets the designation dropdown populated with values 
$scope.itemsd = SampleDes.query({ q: $scope.query });
//save function
$scope.save = function () {


//function that will add new dropdowns on click of "add more projects"

function AlertDemoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.alerts = [
$scope.addAlert = function () {
$scope.closeAlert = function (index) {
    $scope.alerts.splice(index, 1);


Please help me out. I want to get the list of projects in the array and send that array for further processing. Thanx, Tushar Sharma



I am sure how the html is structured. But let us say there are n number of dropdowns


In the controller define a array to hold the selected project Ids

$ scope.selectedProjects = [];


In HTML do something like this

<div data-ng-repeat='item in array'> 
   <select data-ng-model="selectedProject[$index]" data-ng-options="test.ProjectId as test.ProjectName for test in items" id="Project"><option value="">-- Choose a Project --</option> </select> 

基本上您的NG-模式绑定到 selectedProject [$指数] 。这将选定的价值元素绑定数组中为止。该芯片可以用于以后提交数据。

Basically bind your ng-model to selectedProject[$index]. This would bind the selected value to element in the array. This array can be later used to submit data.

下面 $指数当前互为作用伍号重复。见文档 http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngRepeat
