
2023-09-13 02:48:55 作者:深刺人心


Just starting out with ng-grid. I need to make individual cells (i.e. for a given row and column) editable based on the boolean value of a property in my grid array. It would be great if I could simply bind to the array property to turn on (or off) cell editing. However, I don't see this option available. Did I overlook something, does ng-grid support this out of the box? If not, any suggestions as to how I could implement this feature?



I'm not familiar with something like that out of the box.

我会为每一个单元的单元模板,并把有两个div - 一个分区用于查看和编辑单格,然后加上NG-展示给每个并将其绑定到布尔属性,指示细胞是否可编辑还是不行。

I would create a cell template for each cell and put there two divs - one div for viewing and one div for editing, and then add ng-show to each and bind it to the boolean property that indicates whether the cell is editable or not.

例如: http://jsfiddle.net/FP7Jt/

cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText"><div ng-show="!row.entity.edit">{{row.getProperty(col.field)}}</div>' +     
   '<div ng-show="row.entity.edit" class="ngCellText"><input type="text" ng-model="row.entity.age"/></div></div>'}