
2023-09-12 10:51:41 作者:拱手江山讨你欢

我怎样才能把我的应用程序包 到Android模拟器/系统/应用程序文件夹?

How can I push my application package to Android emulator "/system/app" folder?

我已经尝试过使用方法: 亚行推myApk.apk /系统/应用程序 它给了我这样的:

I've already tried to use: "adb push myApk.apk /system/app" and it gives me this:

"failed to copy: ... No space left on device"

虽然从设置 - > SD卡和放大器;手机内存, 我得到的内部可用空间37MB。

Although from settings -> sdCard & Phone Storage, I get 37Mb of internal free space.

这需要整个的一点是 相关权限。

The whole point of this need is related to permissions.

我需要有INSTALL_PACKAGES权限 而我想说的是,思想促进我的应用程序在那里, 在/系统/应用程序,我得到了许可。

I need to have INSTALL_PACKAGES permission and I know that by puting my application there, in /system/app, I get that permission.



Normally, the only way to get access to the "/system/" directory is to have a device rooted. I don't exactly know if that is required for the emulator though. That could be your issue.