错误构建APK时 - "多DEX文件定义LCOM /谷歌/广告/广告"广告、定义、错误、文件

2023-09-12 06:42:05 作者:叼着奶瓶去逛街


I've been tearing my hair out over this one, for the past 3 hours I've been trying to fix it but have been unable to. I've created an android app and I'm ready to put it on the android market but I get this error when trying to export to an apk.

无法执行DEX:多DEX文件定义LCOM /谷歌/广告/信息;

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad;

我读了一堆关于这个问题,并尝试了不少解决方案,但什么也似乎帮助。我已经清理和重建,我已经删除了bin文件夹中,我做了肯定的bin文件夹被排除的构建路径。什么也没有工作。如果有人可以帮助我,我真的很AP preciate吧。

I've read a bunch on the problem and tried quite a few solutions but nothing has seemed to help. I've cleaned and rebuilt, I've delete the bin folder, I've made sure that the bin folder is excluded build path. Nothing's worked. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.



On another post with a problem similar to yours the only thing mentioned that you have not already considered was updating Eclipse. I don't know how or what order that you have done these "fixes" but another poster mentioned that all at once he deleted the bin directory for his project, cleaned and rebuilt the project and restarted Eclipse. After that the error disappeared.

好Luck- Lijap

Good Luck- Lijap