
2023-09-12 05:35:34 作者:逗比专业户丶



I created a user defined class. It contains a method which returns a notification object. Now I want this method to be a little bit flexible. Like pass the activity which will open when the user clicks the notification in the notification bar. Here's the method

public Notification getUserNotificationObject(String status, String message, String tickerText, boolean isOngoingEvent){
    Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.image, tickerText, System.currentTimeMillis());

    long vibInterval =  (long) context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.vibrateInterval);

    notification.vibrate = new long[] {vibInterval, vibInterval, vibInterval, vibInterval, vibInterval};

    Intent notifyIntent = new Intent(context, HomeScreen.class);
    CharSequence contentTitle = "Title";
    CharSequence contentText = status + "-" + message;
    notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notifyIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT));

    notification.ledARGB = Color.argb(100, 0, 254, 0);
    notification.ledOnMS = 500;
    notification.ledOffMS = 500;        
    notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS;
         notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;

    return notification;


I want to be able to pass the activity as a parameter in this instead of the



used above in intent definition (for giving additional control to the user of this class (or other developers) to select which activity to open when notification is clicked). I tried using Activity as one of the parameters for this method, but whenever I tried passing another activity while calling this method like "Activity2" or "Activity2.this" it gives me error saying:

No enclosing instance of the type Activity2 is accessible in scope


Is there any work-around for this or any way to pass the activity as a parameter. Or should I just differentiate those based on NotificationID.

任何帮助在这方面或任何校正在code以上是值得欢迎的。 (背景是一个类级别的变量,所以不要担心。这片code是工作的罚款)。

Any help in this regard or any correction in the code above is welcome. ("context" is a class level variable so don't worry about that. This piece of code is working fine).


的类型 HomeScreen.class 。所以,你可以通过一个的实例来说明下一个活动。例如(格式化以提高可读性):

The type of HomeScreen.class is Class. So you could pass an instance of a Class to indicate the next activity. For example (formatted for readability):

public Notification getUserNotificationObject(
    String status,
    String message,
    String tickerText,
    boolean isOngoingEvent,
    Class nextActivityClass) {


getUserNotificationObject(..., HomeScreen.class)


More flexible, though, might be to pass an Intent to your function. That way, the caller can create the Intent in the way they want, and would allow them to add additional data to the intent if they need to. Creating a new Intent inside your function does not permit that flexibility.

public Notification getUserNotificationObject(
    String status,
    String message,
    String tickerText,
    boolean isOngoingEvent,
    Intent nextIntent) {


Intent intent = new Intent(context, HomeScreen.class);
getUserNotificationObject(..., intent)