
2023-09-12 23:44:11 作者:俺媳妇长得丑不会听你乱说

我要开始从静态Java方法的活动在Android设备上。 我没有作为参数传递给静态函数的任何内容或任何东西。 为了启动活动我必须调用startActivity与当前正在运行的方法这个指针。那么,有没有一种方式来获得当前正在运行的活动呢?

I want to start an activity from a static java method on an android device. I do not have any context or anything passed as parameter to the static function. For starting the activity I must call "startActivity" with the current running method as "this" pointer. So is there a way to get the current running activity?



Create a Class in your app extending class Application, define a static context and initialize this with your application context. You can expose a static method from this class for accessing defined static reference. Thats it.

class MyApp extends Application{

    private static Context mContext;

    public void onCreate(){
       mContext = this.getApplicationContext();

    public static Context getAppContext(){
       return mContext;


now you can use this static method for accesing context anywhere in ur app.